Monday, September 19, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 1

Payni 15
Dear Diary,
My name is Harere. I live in Alexandria , near the library, because Ab works there. He is a scribe. I have an older brother named Buikhu , a little sister named Emuishere , and a baby brother named Awi.
Yesterday was my birthday, and Ab gave me this parchment. Mut gave me a absolutely gorgeous sleek black cat. I just can't seem to find the right name. Emuishere wants me to name her Kanika, but I just can't see it. I'm sure I'll find something soon . Anyway, Aunt Aloli gave me a doll . I think I'll call it Ati, which means cushion. I must go now. Mut is calling for me to come help with dinner.



Ab: Father
Mut: Mother
Payni: A month from the middle of April to the middle of May

Harere: Flower
Emuishere: Little Cat
Buikhu: The Best
Awi: Glory
Aloli: Grapes
Kanika: Black;dark
Ati: Cushion


  1. Perhaps your cat could use some rat friends.

  2. How do you like living in Alexandria? I hear it's lovely there this time of year. And how is that library?

  3. My Ab loves the library, but I'm not allowed in. Alexandria's lovely, though.

  4. Grandma,when I left, it was to help bake the bread, and then we had some lettuce and beans, with figs for dessert.

  5. Lettuce and beans--that sounds like a meal Louis would love! Are you eating black olives too?

  6. Ha. Louis loves olives. Maybe he can visit you there.

  7. Sure! Any time he wants to come, just write a week in advance, so I can fix him a bed, and make sure we have enough beans.

  8. It's not really the kind he'd be used to. Like , we've got papyrus scrolls instead of books. And uh.... kids kind of aren't allowed in. But I'm sure he'd love Alexandria anyway.
