Payni 15
Dear Diary, My name is Harere. I live in Alexandria , near the library, because Ab works there. He is a scribe. I have an older brother named Buikhu , a little sister named Emuishere , and a baby brother named Awi.
Yesterday was my birthday, and Ab gave me this parchment. Mut gave me a absolutely gorgeous sleek black cat. I just can't seem to find the right name. Emuishere wants me to name her Kanika, but I just can't see it. I'm sure I'll find something soon . Anyway, Aunt Aloli gave me a doll . I think I'll call it Ati, which means cushion. I must go now. Mut is calling for me to come help with dinner.
Ab: Father
Mut: Mother
Payni: A month from the middle of April to the middle of May
Harere: Flower
Emuishere: Little Cat
Buikhu: The Best
Awi: Glory
Aloli: Grapes
Kanika: Black;dark
Ati: Cushion
Perhaps your cat could use some rat friends.
ReplyDeleteHow do you like living in Alexandria? I hear it's lovely there this time of year. And how is that library?
ReplyDeleteMy Ab loves the library, but I'm not allowed in. Alexandria's lovely, though.
ReplyDeleteGrandma,when I left, it was to help bake the bread, and then we had some lettuce and beans, with figs for dessert.
ReplyDeleteLettuce and beans--that sounds like a meal Louis would love! Are you eating black olives too?
ReplyDeleteOh-we had those yesterday.
ReplyDeleteHa. Louis loves olives. Maybe he can visit you there.
ReplyDeleteSure! Any time he wants to come, just write a week in advance, so I can fix him a bed, and make sure we have enough beans.
ReplyDeleteHe also loves libraries.
ReplyDeleteIt's not really the kind he'd be used to. Like , we've got papyrus scrolls instead of books. And uh.... kids kind of aren't allowed in. But I'm sure he'd love Alexandria anyway.