Monday, June 4, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 4

1st grade was awesome!  I made friends with a shy mouse named Laura, colored a picture of me in the fridge, and explained to the class how to multiply 7+6 (which of course equals 25).  Miss Goldstein, our teacher, is very nice, but I don’t think she’s very good at math.  She tried to tell me that 7+6 is 13!  Can you believe it?  I think 1st grade is lots of fun-I just find it a little weird that I have to teach our teacher-not just in math, in spelling, too.  She tried to tell me that th isn’t pronounced tuh-huh like I thought, it’s a sort of hissing sound.  I can tell we’ll all have a lot to teach her- and we haven’t even gotten to science yet!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! You have a lot to teach that teacher of yours!
