Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Sleeping Wood

Once, there was a girl named Sonia.  She had dark brown hair, amber eyes, and a love for trees.  She was walking in the wood to get some wildlife shots for her Earth Day collage, and had her camera in a campout bag.  Her parents didn’t normally let her go into the wood alone, but Sonia had argued that more than one person’s footsteps could scare away the wildlife.
 She went deeper in.  The wood had a lonely feeling to it, as though it had not been inhabited for years.  The trees’ branches drooped, as though they couldn’t hold on to the trees, and there were no animals in sight.  It made Sonia shiver.  “No wildlife in here,” she mumbled, and turned to leave.  Then she noticed two things.  One, there was strange moss green writing on the forest floor, and two, there was a leaf covered path leading deeper into the wood.  Sonia let curiosity take over, and, ignoring her brain’s better instincts, began to follow the path. 
It led to a tall tree, and at the top was a cabin.  Sonia decided to ask about the strange writing, and began to climb.  Many girls would have found it near impossible to climb the evergreen, but Sonia had been climbing trees since she could walk.  She was rather comforted by the familiar feel of rough bark under her well-trained fingers, and climbed with the agility of a squirrel.  She reached the top, and knocked rather nervously on the carved wooden door.  At first she thought no one would answer, and felt a bit relieved, but then an old voice answered “Come in.”  It sounded ancient and deep, yet regal, as an extremely old king.  Sonia, her hand trembling, opened he door and entered.  There was nobody there!  The voice spoke again.  “Why are you here?” It seemed to be coming from the walls themselves.  Sonia, in a shaky voice, answered the question with one of her own.  ‘Who are you?”
The ancient voice answered “I am the king of the trees, whom have slept for centuries.  My companion trees have slept for centuries under the enchantment.”    Sonia asked “What enchantment?” and heard a story of how, many centuries ago, trees had walked and talked and danced, and how, one day, an evil enchantress had cast a spell on them so that they could only move at the full moon.  The spell could only be broken when a human who cared about them found a very special acorn, one that could cause miracles, and planted it in the forest.  The words had been carved into the ground.  That explains the green writing, Sonia thought. Also, humans had cut down this king tree and built him into the cabin that Sonia now stood in.  “But,” the king tree went on sadly, “we need a particular acorn that can cause miracles, and what is the chance of a human planting it here?  They wouldn’t know the one.”  It was on that gloomy note that Sonia left the cabin in the tree, having completely forgotten her wildlife photos.
The next day, she searched for any acorn that looked remotely magical, but none seemed even slightly capable of causing a miracle, let alone bring a forest to life.   She tried the same thing after lunch, but went into trees, hoping to find the acorn still growing, but to no avail.  “It’s no use,” Sonia muttered, “the king tree was right.  I’ll never find it.” She sat sadly in the garage, and watched a spider spin its web.  The sun glinted off the beautifully spun creation, illuminating it-“Oh!” she gasped, and jumped up.
 She ran to the forest, grabbing an acorn off the sidewalk as she went.  She got there quickly, and bent down, digging a tiny hole with her hand.  She placed the acorn in, and then covered the tiny seed.  Instantly, the great pine tree she’d knelt next to brought a great branch to an opening in its trunk-a mouth, Sonia realized, -and yawned, opening a huge pair of hazel eyes.  A weeping willow shook back its drooping leaves daintily, and all around Sonia, the forest was coming to life!
 Finally, with a great crash, the cabin broke apart and reformed into a magnificent fir tree, a crown of branches on his head.  The other trees bowed, and the great king asked “How did you do this, human?”  Sonia, not at all afraid now, explained “You see, I realized that it’s a miracle that a tiny acorn can turn into a huge tree.  That means that all acorns are miraculous, but the enchantress didn’t think we’d realize that.”  The king then ordered a celebration, and all sorts of birds and animals flooded the forest.  Sonia’s camera started clicking.  Now, about that Earth Day collage…

                                                The End 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 9

This morning, the help we’ve been waiting for came.  Around 9:00, a tail poked over the edge of the box, followed by a string of extremely anxious mice.  “Grab on,” said a rather squashed-looking Sammy, and Laura and I gladly joined the chain and were dragged up.  We were nearly over the edge, when the girl came into the kitchen.  “Hey!” she yelled, and we all leaped to the floor.  “Come on!” Linda yelled.  “There’ll be no saving us if we all get caught!”  I was almost into our hole-indeed 3 of my paws were already inside-when I suddenly realized something and spun around.  “My lever!”   “We have no time, Cameron!” Laura yelled from the hole, but I was already halfway up the table leg.  One end of my precious lever was dangling out of the box, just out of reach.  The girl came closer, and I jumped.  I caught the ruler, and made a dash for the hole, the girl’s hand just missing me as I lugged my prize into the hole.  So, maybe I never opened the fridge.  But I may have better luck with the cabinet…

Friday, June 8, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 8

Today, I  had an idea.  I tore a page out of this book, and wrote on it:
Help!  We’re in a box next to the fridge, and we can’t get out!
P.S.  Please tell Laura’s mom where she is. 
Then I made it into a paper airplane, and, just like Sammy taught me, threw it in the direction of my hole.  It only fell a foot away!  Now we just have to wait for them to do something.  Laura has borrowed some paper from my notebook, and spends most of her time drawing.  She is uite talented.  She and I have almost completely given up on the fridge.  Almost, but not quite.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 7

This morning, Laura came over, and we tried to get the lever out of my hole without being noticed.  The only thing that hadn’t been thought over carefully (I really should have anticipated this) was that I hadn’t realized a human might spot 2 mice carrying a ruler/pencil lever across the floor.  A girl saw us and stopped dead in her tracks, but instead of screaming “MICE!” like humans usually do, she picked us up, ruler/pencil lever and all, and placed us gently on the counter.  Laura squeaked in terror and made a dash for the edge, dragging me along  with her.  We toppled over the edge, and I was wondering why in the world I had gone on this crazy venture in the first place, when the girl’s hand caught us and saved us from spraining our paws.  This time we were placed into a cardboard box with our lever and the box was transported to a table next to the fridge.  The girl said “I’ve always wanted pet mice,” and talked for a bit.  I don’t care about the fridge anymore.  I want to get out!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 6

Today I got some tape from a roll sitting on the humans’ kitchen counter on my way to school, and showed it to Laura.  She agreed to come over tomorrow (Saturday) and help open the fridge.  Today our spelling words were: special, amused, kindness, boring, and lovely.  I can spell them all correctly, but Ms. Goldstein still insists I’m pronouncing the i-n-g in boring wrong.  She says it’s not in-guh, it’s like the sound the telephone makes, which proves my theory that being older doesn’t mean you’re smarter.  When I told Laura my theory, she smiled and shook her head, like she knew something I didn’t.  I can’t wait to see the look on Sammy’s face when Laura and I bring home some of the delicacies from the fridge. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 5

Today I began to build my lever.  I found a ruler that a human child dropped when she was doing her homework.  I just need a bit of something Linda calls “tape” to stick it to her pencil.  Then I’ll tape the pencil sideways to one door on the fridge, and jam the ruler between the doors so when I sit on the pencil, the ruler will pry open the fridge.  Also, I learned what “illegible” means in school today.  It means “unreadable”.  Well, I guess that makes sense.  My cursive is sort of unreadable.  I admit it.  I told Laura about the lever, and she listened carefully.  That’s a nice thing about Laura.  She doesn’t talk much, but she’s a great listener.  I’m glad she’s my friend.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 4

1st grade was awesome!  I made friends with a shy mouse named Laura, colored a picture of me in the fridge, and explained to the class how to multiply 7+6 (which of course equals 25).  Miss Goldstein, our teacher, is very nice, but I don’t think she’s very good at math.  She tried to tell me that 7+6 is 13!  Can you believe it?  I think 1st grade is lots of fun-I just find it a little weird that I have to teach our teacher-not just in math, in spelling, too.  She tried to tell me that th isn’t pronounced tuh-huh like I thought, it’s a sort of hissing sound.  I can tell we’ll all have a lot to teach her- and we haven’t even gotten to science yet!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Behind the fridge door: Chapter 3

Today I thought of something I could make to help open the fridge. It’s called it a lever. Sometimes humans use them. You push down one end and it lifts up the other end. I’m sure it would work. I told Rosie about it, but I’m not sure she understood. Tomorrow I’m going to start 1st grade. Maybe I’ll learn what “illegible” means. I also want to learn cursive, but Linda says she didn’t learn it until 2nd grade (she’s in 4th grade now) and so maybe I won’t, either. I can’t wait. I want to make lots of friends. Maybe I can tell them about the lever and the fridge door. It’ll be lots of fun!