Friday, September 30, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 11

Payni 25
Dear Diary,
Tomorrow is the big day, so today I took Femi to get cleaned up a bit. We went to Mie's Cat Cleaning Services for that. She got combed and brushed, and then, much as she hates them, she got a bath. When we left, she was shining like a tomb. I made some violet paint out of some pomegranates and painted her hoop. She's going to shine like a star tomorrow. I'm even considering putting a couple lotuses in her tail and behind her ears. I really hope she wins this thing. We've been training so hard.



Mie: A cat-god

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 10

Payni 24
Dear Diary,
Today Femi learned a new trick! We were playing bat the trout, and I was having the trout swing in circles. Femi did a back-flip and caught it in midair! I had her try it again and again and again, until she got it perfect. Then I brought out an old wooden hoop that I had gotten from goodness knows where, and trained Femi to do a back-flip through it, finally, without the trout. I'm considering entering her in the pet show near Merit's house. I think it's going to be in the back room of Nafrititi's House of Honeycakes, that place we always go to for dessert on Sunday nights. I just know she'll win! I know it!



Nafrititi: '' I arrive with beauty.''

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 9

Payni 23
Dear Diary,
Buikhu's party was great! He was so excited when he saw the falcon, he was jumping all around the house with it on his arm. He loved all his other gifts too. He was admiring his new ball from Uncle Akhom, when Mut brought in................................the cake! The table was laid with dates dipped in honey and pomegranates and strewn with lotuses. On top of the cake, written in honey, were the words: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUIKHU! He was lost for words! It was time for my line. I yelled ''Happy Birthday, Buikhu!'' Then the feast began! I was so stuffed by the time the party was over, that I went straight to sleep. I hope we have as good a day tomorrow!



Akhom: Eagle

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 8

Payni 22
Dear Diary,
When I got to Banafrit's house today, before we entered, Banafrit told me to close my eyes and not to peek. She lead me into her living room and said ''You can open your eyes now, Harere.'' When I opened my eyes, at first I didn't see anything unusual about the room, but then I noticed that Banafrit was gesturing towards a corner of the room behind her Mut's chair. I walked over to the corner, and noticed a large bundle, draped with a rich purple velvet cloth. ''Well go on, open it!'' She sounded really excited now. I closed my eyes, reached for the cloth, and pulled. ''Banafrit, you shouldn't have!'' There, underneath it, lay the beautiful golden falcon Buikhu had wanted for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooo long! '' You told me you couldn't afford the falcon, so I asked my parents to chip in a couple coins, and paid the rest myself.'' I was so happy, I thought I could pop! I hugged Banafrit, told her I'd pay her back as soon as I could, and ran skipping out her front door. The party's tomorrow. I just know he'll love it!


Monday, September 26, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 7

Payni 21
Dear Diary,
Today Femi and I were playing outdoors. She likes to play a game we invented, bat the trout. I hang a trout on a string and move it about as Femi tries to bat it. If she succeeds, she gets the trout and will usually devour it in mere seconds, while if she doesn't, I get the trout and will usually hand it in to Mut to cook for dinner. I was considering running inside for some more trout, (since Femi kept winning) when Banafrit ran up to the front door. "Harere, would you like to come over to my house tomorrow? We've got something to show you." When I asked what it was, she just grinned and said "Oooooh, you just wait and see!" I just can't wait to see what it is! I must go now. Mut is calling for me to come help change Awi's diaper. I can hear him screaming "No biapowr! No biapowr!" (No surprises there!)


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Harere's Diary: Part 6

Payni 20
Dear Diary,
Today I talked to my best friend, Banafrit, and she says she'll bring some fresh pomegranates from her Ab's orchard to Buikhu's suprise party. Some of my other friends have agreed to help,to. Merit is going to ask her Mut to come in and play some music, Salidji will pick some chrysanthemums from her garden, and Nebibit is going to make some lotus chains to hang from the ceiling. We're inviting almost everyone we know! The party is going to be a huge success!

Banafrit: Beautiful Soul
Merit: Beloved
Salidji: Fruit Tree
Nebibit: Leopard

Friday, September 23, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 5

Payni 19
Dear Diary,
Next week will be Buikhu's 10th birthday! I think I'll get him a falcon. He's been gazing at a particularly large golden one in a shop window for weeks! I just hope I can afford it. Actually, I rather like the bird myself. It's very pretty. I think Mut is giving him a home-made top, and when I asked Ab, he said he's getting Buikhu a miniature bow and arrows. (I'm a little worried about that one.) We're all planning a surprise party for him. I just hope I don't spill the beans. I'm no good at keeping secrets.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 4

Payni 18
Dear Diary,
When we got to Hebony's last night, we were all exhausted. Awi was screaming "Don't wanna go a zweep!", Emuishere was yawning, Buikhu was looking like a sleepwalker, and me? I was trying as hard as I could not to collapse on the floor. (And that was pretty tough, too.) This morning when I woke up, though, I felt good and well rested. After a good breakfast of figs and nuts, Hebony and I went to her room, and she tried to help me think up a good name for my cat. We finally found the perfect name.................... Femi ! I think Femi likes it too. Then we played a game of senet, and it was time to leave. I really hope we see her again soon!



Femi: Love
Senet: An Egyptian game, a little like chess

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Harere's Diary: Part 3

Payni 17
Dear Diary,
Today we visited the sphinx! It was a great experience. The sphinx was humongous! When we were packing this morning, Emuishere wanted to bring her doll, Ebe, with her, but Mut said she might lose her. We're spending the night at cousin Hebony's, so Ab is going to pick up our things on the way. But back to the sphinx. Buikhu was the first to spot it . When he pointed it out, Awi screamed, "Ooo , a pinks!" Mut had to cover his mouth as he protested, "But Muh, a pinx!" Buikhu and I cracked up. I think he was trying to say "A sphinx!" I'm looking forward to spending the night at Hebony's. I'll tell about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 2

Payni 16
Dear Diary,
Today Emuishere's best friend Esho came over. I sensed trouble the second they burst into my bedroom on the roof. Emuishere told me I had to go help them set up her wood toy farm, that Ab had made for her. I did, not realizing how chaotic this game would become. Not only did they lose the horse under the table and insist I get it for them , but they made the hen lose her chicks and scattered them across the room! When Mut asked them please to pick up the mess they'd made , Esho whined that I had made them do it! I quickly retreated to my room and resolved always to close my door when Esho comes over.



Esho: Pig

Monday, September 19, 2011

Harere's Diary, Part 1

Payni 15
Dear Diary,
My name is Harere. I live in Alexandria , near the library, because Ab works there. He is a scribe. I have an older brother named Buikhu , a little sister named Emuishere , and a baby brother named Awi.
Yesterday was my birthday, and Ab gave me this parchment. Mut gave me a absolutely gorgeous sleek black cat. I just can't seem to find the right name. Emuishere wants me to name her Kanika, but I just can't see it. I'm sure I'll find something soon . Anyway, Aunt Aloli gave me a doll . I think I'll call it Ati, which means cushion. I must go now. Mut is calling for me to come help with dinner.



Ab: Father
Mut: Mother
Payni: A month from the middle of April to the middle of May

Harere: Flower
Emuishere: Little Cat
Buikhu: The Best
Awi: Glory
Aloli: Grapes
Kanika: Black;dark
Ati: Cushion